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© 2024 South Bay Creation Science Association

Who We Are: We are Christians who believe the Bible is the Word of God and that God created the universe and all it contains in six 24-hour days. Our mission is to give evidence for this.

When: Please join us every 4th Saturday at 7:00 pm
Our meetings are led by guest scientists who present topics of science related to the creation/evolution controversy.
Where: Harbor Christian Center Halo Hall
1575 N. Wilmington Blvd, Wilmington CA 90744 (See map below)
Contact: (310) 835-5661

Zoom access is available for those who are not able to meet in person: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8641847824?pwd=RDJRZnhhTVZlN3lsajYxdm8xWnE4QT09